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Zoran Jelic

Zoran is the co-founder of the ImPPPactGlobal Alliance Ecosystem, and Global Co-ordinator for the Public Private Partnership Alliance, an initiative that implements the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) through People First Public Private Partnerships (PfPPPs) infrastructure projects.

The projects are supported with the help of Geospatial Intelligence, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and the Internet of Everything (IoE) Technology.He developed the EuroPPPand MasterPPPlaninitiatives of the C.R.E.A.M. Europe PPP Alliance, whose promotional campaigns led to the implementation of infrastructure PPP projects across political and economic institutions, like the European Commission and the EIB.

Zoran’s specialties include infrastructure project development based on Life-Cycle Project Alliancing, and Project Financing according to sustainability and resiliency criteria. He is a member of multiple committees, including the Strategic Committee of the World Association of PPP Units and PPP Experts (WAPPP).